Let’s Talk
We believe in people impact. Our team offers deep experience and expertise in management consultancy and market research in the wider food and beverage industry. We operate on projects and with teams in complex and high-stakes circumstances. Contact our leads directly.
Contact Coriolis
+64 9 623 1848
Coriolis (NZ) Limited
Victoria Street West,
Auckland, New Zealand
NZBN: 429037950569
+61 8 9468 4691
Coriolis Australia Pty Ltd
Subiaco, Perth,
Western Australia
ABN:78 602 608 515
Meet the Team
Tim Morris
20+ years in Management Consulting. Specialist in due diligence, market screens, industry analysis. Global retail expert and regular expert witness.
Virginia Wilkinson
20+ years in Market Research and Management Consulting. Specialist in stakeholder engagement, market screens, product screens, and industry analysis.
Wider Team
Jen Utter
Amanda Washington
Prof. David Hughes
+44 7798558276
Website: www.profdavidhughes.com
Retail blog: www.supermarketsinyourpocket.com
Twitter: @ProfDavidHughes
David is Emeritus Professor of Food Marketing at Imperial College London. He travels the world talking to, and consulting with businesses, trade associations, and governments on global developments in the food and drink industry.
Careers at Coriolis
As a growing company we are constantly looking for talented individuals. We aspire to do great work that makes a difference to our clients.
You will need real world experience in focus areas and a broad range of management consultant skills such as data analysis, logic, insight, and confidence with stakeholder interviews.
Our consultants normally have a bachelors or masters degree, typically in business or economics. However, we also have team members with different educational backgrounds. Whatever your background, it is important that you have very strong analytical skills and enjoy solving complex problems. We don’t hire straight out of University and we don’t have internships. You need to hit the ground running.
Work experience
In order to solve client problems, we need consultants with a mixture of both the theoretical tools and real world practical experience. In practice this means either actual management consulting experience with a Top 20 consulting firm or a strong background in the agrifood value chain (or both).
Personal Characteristics
Your personal skills are very important. A good consultant moves the bottom line figures by moving the mind-set of the company. It is not enough to understand our customers’ business; you also have to understand their culture. Therefore, empathy and interpersonal skills are important qualities for us.
Does this sound like you? Send your CV to recruiting@coriolisresearch.com